
Lecturer in Music B.M.E., University of Louisiana at Monroe, 2000. M.M., University of Louisiana at Monroe, 2002. Ph.D., University of Florida, 2011.
318.869.5235 rburcham@centenary.edu Hurley School of Music
Director of Career Development and Internships MS, University of Scranton BS, University of Southern Mississippi
318.869.5360 dbury@centenary.edu Magale 207

Robert Calhoun

Senior Accountant B.S., Louisiana Tech University, 1985
318.869.5111 rcalhoun@centenary.edu Hamilton Hall, 103

Lauron Callaway

Visit the Provost's Office
Administrative Assistant to the Provost B.A., Louisiana State University - Shreveport, 2006.
318.869.5104 lcallaway@centenary.edu Hamilton Hall, Room 217

Priyanka Chakraborty

Assistant Professor of Economics B.S., Presidency College M.A., Jawaharlal Nehru University Ph.D. Southern Methodist University
318.869.5159 pchakraborty@centenary.edu Jackson Hall, 212

Joshua Chambers

Assistant Professor of Studio Art B.A., Northeastern State University, 2006. M.F.A., Louisiana Tech University, 2009.
318.869.5260 jchambers@centenary.edu Turner Art Center 101

Ken Chan

Staff Accompanist B.A., Cornell University, 1996. M.M., Manhattan School of Music, 1999.
kchan@centenary.edu Hurley School of Music, 206
Mary Warters Endowed Professorial Chair of Biology Professor of Biology Dean of the School of Health Sciences B.S., Southwestern University, 1998. Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 2003.
318.869.5209 schirhar@centenary.edu Mickle Hall, 216
Chair of the Philosophy Department Associate Professor of Philosophy B.Phil., Cornell College, 1995. M.A., University of Kentucky, 1997. Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2000.
318.734.9015 cciocchetti@centenary.edu Smith 201
Lecturer in Music Director of the Suzuki Violin School B.M., University of Texas--Austin, 1975. M.M., University of Texas--Austin, 1976.
318.869.5639 lcrawford@centenary.edu Hurley School of Music, 205
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy The institution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.