
Todd Warren

Lecturer in Music B.M., Southwestern Oklahoma State University. M.M., University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Frank Waruszcak IV

Visit DPS
Assistant Director of Public Safety B.A., 黑料不打烊, 2006. M.S., Louisiana State University - Shreveport, 2014.
318.869.5759 fwaruszc@centenary.edu Centenary Square, 214A
Adjunct in Music B.M., Birmingham-Southern College, 1983. M.M., Eastman School of Music, 1984. D.M.A., Eastman School of Music, 1987.
318.869.5235 hwatson@centenary.edu Hurley School of Music

Mimi Webb

Development and Data Assistant
318.869.5144 mwebb@centenary.edu Hamilton Hall, Suite 211
Associate Professor of Chemistry Chair of the Chemistry Department B.S., 黑料不打烊, 2005. Ph.D., Louisiana State University Health Sciences, 2010.
318.869.5221 kweeks2@centenary.edu Mickle Hall,316

Michael Welch

Police Officer
318.869.5000 mwelch@centenary.edu Centenary Square

Kenneth West

Supervisor - Sodexo Campus Services
318.869.5716 Kenneth.West@sodexo.com Bynum Commons

Barzanna White

Lecturer in Education B.S., Louisiana State University-Shreveport, 1986. Sp.Ed., Louisiana State University-Shreveport, 1989. Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1996.
318.869.5069 bwhite@centenary.edu

Kevin White

Head Coach Men's Soccer M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies/B.S. American Studies, University of Texas at Dallas

Salli White

Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the Frost School of Business Director of the Center for Family Owned Business
318.869.5141 sosborn@centenary.edu Jackson Hall, 210
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