The mission of Health and Counseling Services is to provide services and programs that help students maintain and enhance their physical and emotional well-being in order to achieve their educational, personal and wellness goals. This office is not a medical facility but does offer over the counter medications, medical and dental referrals, and short-term, confidential counseling. The office also provides information and programming about physical and mental health, sexuality, eating disorders, stress, and other issues relevant to the college experience.

Health and Counseling Services is led by the Director of Counseling and Health Information who holds the following qualifications: Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Board Approved Clinical Supervisor (BACS), Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW), and Licensed Addictions Counselor (LAC). Health and Counseling Services, in collaboration with other offices on campus, coordinates an Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program for students, faculty and staff. The office is supported by a Health and Counseling Services Coordinator, who performs administrative and secretarial duties.

Health Services is open five days a week and offers over the counter (OTC) medicine, assistance with medical and dental referrals, assistance with the College’s EIIA Student Accident/Sickness Benefit Plan benefit questions, and health education/promotion. All over the counter (OTC) medications are locked in a medical supplies closet; no more than two doses of OTC medications are dispensed at any one time see my note below. Health Services ensures compliance with Louisiana statutes that require a student entering college to provide proof of immunizations or to sign a waiver stating they do not wish to have vaccinations due to medical or personal reasons before starting classes.