SHREVEPORT, LA — Centenary students interested in studying geology benefit from an ongoing scholarship established by the ArkLaTex Oilmen’s Golf Association. Jeremy Harris and Chad Hill, members of the golf tournament committee, presented Centenary President Christopher Holoman with a $10,000 contribution to the scholarship fund on Thursday, March 23.
“We are so very grateful for the generosity of the ArkLaTex Oilmen’s Golf Association and their support of geology majors here at Centenary,” said Fred Landry, vice president for development. “As Centenary offers the only undergraduate geology major in north Louisiana, support for our geology students is crucial in continuing this important discipline to benefit the oil and gas industry and our community.”
The scholarship provides a multi-year grant to one or more Centenary students, with first preference to a student currently studying or planning to study geology.
For more information about creating a scholarship to benefit Centenary students, please contact Centenary’s director of development, Mark Missildine, at 318.869.5073 or