SHREVEPORT, LA — SHREVEPORT, LA — Thanks to the ArkLaTex Oilmen’s Golf Association, Centenary students interested in studying geology will benefit from an ongoing scholarship established by the group. Members of the group met with Centenary President Christopher Holoman on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, to present a gift to fund the scholarship.
“The ArkLaTex Oilmen’s Golf Association directs the proceeds from its annual golf tournament to support students in the study of geology,” said Fred Landry, vice president for development at Centenary. “As the only college offering an undergraduate geology program in north Louisiana, we are thankful the ArkLaTex Oilmen’s Golf Association for its support of our geology students. Over the past 75 years, graduates of the program have made a big impact in the oil and gas industry in our local community and beyond. We are so pleased to be a partner in furthering the support of students graduating into this important field.”
The scholarship will provide a multi-year grant to one or more Centenary students, with first preference to a student currently studying or planning to study geology.
For more information about creating a scholarship to benefit Centenary students, please contact Centenary’s director of development, Mark Missildine, at 318.869.5073 or