SHREVEPORT, LA — Centenary’s competitive cheer and dance teams will share their talents with local youth and high school students this fall through a series of clinics open to the public. All clinics will be held at the Centenary Fitness Center and the cost is $10 per person for each date. Online registration is available at .
“The cheer and dance teams are excited to be able to offer the youth and high schoolers of our community a chance to work with college cheerleaders on learning and growing in the sports of cheer and dance,” said Kaylee King, head coach for Centenary’s competitive cheer and dance teams. “This is a unique opportunity for our team to build relationships with the youth of our community while also recruiting potential juniors and seniors to Centenary. I look forward to getting our programs out in front of the community raising excitement about and support for our programs.”
The K-8th cheer clinics will include skill rotations of jumps, tumbling, cheers, band dances, and stunts. Participants in the high school cheer clinics will work on more advanced skills, including standing and running tumbling, jumps, co-ed and all-girl stunts, and collegiate pyramids.
Dance clinics for the K-8th age group will focus on skill rotations, including dance technique, sidelines, and tricks. Participants will also learn a short routine performance. The high school dance clinic will include technique drills and dance tricks. High school participants will learn specific Centenary sideline routines as well as tryout material.
Dates and times for the clinics are listed below:
K-8th Grade
October 1 and November 12
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
9th-12th Grade
October 1, October 15, and November 12
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Online registration for all cheer clinics at .
K-8th Grade
November 19
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
9th-12th Grade
October 29 and November 19
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Online registration for all dance clinics at .