Centenary plans March 27 Easter Sunrise Service

SHREVEPORT, LA — The community is invited to an Easter Sunrise Service at Centenary College on Sunday, March 27 at 6 a.m. in the Hargrove Memorial Band Shell. The College is partnering with the local district of the United Methodist church to host the service, which was principally designed by the Centenary College Choir's founding director, Dr. A.C. "Cheesy" Voran. Voran’s program combines stirring Holy Week anthems with dramatic readings, including the Passion and Resurrection stories.

"The service itself is profoundly conceived, taking the worshiper on a journey of Christ's passion and resurrection through dramatic narration and iconic choral anthems," says Dr. David Hobson, director of the Centenary College Choir. "It is a compelling design which both singer and congregant alike find deeply spiritual."

Members of the Centenary College Choir will be joined by Choir alumni; Centenary staff, faculty, and friends; and local church choir members for the sunrise service. Hobson will direct the entire ensemble.

"The Easter Sunrise Service tradition really boils down to sharing a story, one that is central to the Christian faith," adds Hobson. "So the idea that it is a collaborative and ecumenical event amongst many churches, community members, and the College is fitting. We remind ourselves of the sacred story and hopefully tell it to a new generation."

Guests attending the service should arrive early to allow adequate time for parking. In case of rain, the service will move to Centenary's Brown Chapel. For more information or to participate in the choir, please contact Centenary's Hurley School of Music office at 318.869.5235 or the United Methodist District Office at 318.869.5729.