SHREVEPORT, LA — Centenary's Alpha Iota Chapter of Kappa Alpha fraternity has organized the "KAjun KAns" initiative to assist citizens devastated by the historic flooding in south Louisiana last month. The effort will continue through September 30.
Centenary's Kappa Alpha chapter set out to raise money and collect food, supplies, and clothing for families affected by the flooding that was triggered by record rainfall in mid-August. So far, the organization has collected $1,500, thousands of cans, and multiple bags of clothes. They have also enlisted help from other KA chapters at colleges and universities across the state.
"Nine chapters across the state are participating in this event," says Gage Dabin, president of Centenary's Alpha Iota chapter. "As the president of the chapter, I knew that we needed to give back to the community. I reached out to the presidents of all the other chapters and they stood behind the initiative to get everything started at their respective institutions."
The items and money collected during the KAjun KAns initiative will be donated to the Capital Area United Way in Baton Rouge on October 1. Active and alumni members of Centenary's Alpha Iota chapter will deliver the items to Baton Rouge where they will be distributed by the United Way.
"We feel called to help our state," says Dabin. "It's a plea that we could not ignore because KA is founded on and promotes the notion that the community comes before the self in times of dire need."
The Alpha Iota chapter has placed KAjun KAns collection containers at several locations on the Centenary campus. Individuals or groups interested in helping with the initiative can contact Gage Dabin at or 907.306.8858.