Centenary Founders’ Day Convocation is February 17

SHREVEPORT, LA — Centenary College’s annual Founders’ Day observance will be Thursday, February 17, at 11:10 a.m. in Brown Chapel. The Founders’ Day convocation celebrates the College’s nearly 200 year history as well as recent achievements by faculty and staff. Professor of English, Dr. Steve Shelburne, who will retire this year after a nearly 33 year career at Centenary, will deliver the keynote address, entitled, “What’s a ‘Founder?’”

Masks are required for in-person attendance at the convocation. The event will also be livestreamed at and available on the College’s Facebook page. Students can earn 100 Passport Points for attending the convocation.

“On a day when we celebrate the history of Centenary and the dedication of individuals who have contributed to our community over many years, I look forward to Dr. Shelburne’s reflections,” said Dr. Christopher L. Holoman, Centenary president. “He has been such a valuable part of the College as teacher, scholar, and colleague.”

During the convocation, Holoman will announce service pins for faculty and staff along with three special annual awards, the Charleton Lyons Summer Research Award, the President’s Excellence Award, and the Outstanding Teacher Award.

Faculty and staff receiving service pins include:

Mr. Michael Mims (Facilities/National) – 35 Years

Dr. David Hoaas (Frost School of Business) – 35 Years

Dr. Barbara Davis (Frost School of Business) – 35 Years

Ms. Monica Powell (Business Office) – 25 Years

Mr. David Orr (Athletics) – 25 Years

Ms. Taya Butler (Sodexo) – 20 Years

Mrs. Connie Whittington (President’s Office) – 20 Years

Coach Butch Jordan (Swimming) – 20 Years

Ms. Tina Feldt (Counseling Services) – 20 Years

Dr. Chris Ciocchetti (Philosophy) – 20 Years

Dr. Katherine Brandl (Mathematics) – 20 Years

Mr. Frank Waruszcak (DPS) – 15 Years

Dr. Amy Hammond (Psychology) – 15 Years

Ms. Renee Godfrey (Facilities/National) – 10 years

Mr. Kennith Henderson (Sodexo) – 10 Years

Professor Jessica Hawkins (Communication) – 10 Years

Ms. Jackie Fain (Athletics) – 10 Years

Lt. Jeff Englade (DPS) – 10 Years