Centenary College plans events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April

SHREVEPORT, LA — Centenary College’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) is hosting a full schedule for the campus community during Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April, including several events linked to national sexual assault awareness observances. DPS is also teaming up with a local organization, Project Celebration, to host some of the events.

“We are proud to participate in this nationwide month of awareness and look forward to educating and engaging the Centenary community about this crucial topic,” says Heather Boucher, a detective with Centenary DPS. “Community support is paramount for successful prevention awareness.”

2019 Sexual Assault Awareness Events at Centenary

April 1 – 1 in 5 Campaign hosted by DPS
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Caf Deck
Participants will paint one fingernail in teal to symbolize the 1 in 5 college-age women who will be affected by sexual assault on a college campus this year. DPS will also be passing out teal flags to be placed on the Centenary Quad in recognition of those affected by sexual assault.

April 10 – Film screening of “It Happened Here” hosted by
6:00 p.m., Whited Room in Bynum Commons

April 11 – “Carry that Weight” candlelight walk/vigil hosted by DPS
8:00 p.m., Student Union Building (SUB)

April 13 – Teal Walk “fun walk” hosted by DPS
10:00 a.m. registration, main campus entrance on Centenary Boulevard. Registration tables will be set up in Lot 12.

April 24 – hosted by DPS
4:00 p.m., Meet at the Centenary Quad for a photo with the teal flags placed at the beginning of the month

Centenary DPS is seeking volunteers to assist with all events. Please contact Heather Boucher at hboucher@centenary.edu for more information.