Centenary College opens 2021-2022 academic year with President’s Convocation

Dr. Scott Chirhart, left, accepts the 2021 Womack Award from Dr. Christopher L. Holoman

SHREVEPORT, LA — Centenary College students, including the bicentennial Class of 2025, returned to class on Monday, August 23. On Tuesday, August 24, Centenary president Dr. Christopher L. Holoman welcomed faculty, staff, and students to the annual President’s Convocation in Brown Chapel, the traditional opening of the College’s academic year.

During his convocation address, Holoman explored what he considers to be one of the central tasks of the college experience for students and administrators alike: managing change. Noting that change can be gradual or sudden, planned or unplanned, Holoman challenged the campus community to intentionally examine their preparation, reactions, and responses to change in order to build resilience and, ultimately, harness the forces of change for positive forward motion.

On August 19, Holoman presided over an all-campus meeting, welcoming new employees and recognizing personal and professional accomplishments. Holoman also presented the 2021 David Womack Leadership Award to Dr. Scott Chirhart, Warters Biology Chair and professor of biology at Centenary since 2003. Chirhart is a beloved teacher, an enormously successful pre-med advisor, and a tireless liaison between Centenary and the local medical and scientific community. His initiative and efforts have helped Centenary establish a number of crucial partnerships that have created new post-graduate opportunities for Centenary students pursuing nursing, pharmacy, osteopathic medicine, and allied health professions.

Past recipients of the Womack Award include Dr. David Hoaas, Dr. Chris Lavan, Eddie Walker, Connie Whittington, Mark Miller, Monica Powell, Janet Ingram, Saige Solomon, Katie Bearden, Al Bush, Emlyn Aubrey, and Marcus Manning.