Centenary College Choir to embark on West Coast tour

SHREVEPORT, LA — The Centenary College Choir will perform at two different religious conferences in Los Angeles and Portland this month, framing the structure of a unique West Coast concert tour May 7-18. Both experiences provide a rich context for the college’s church relations and educational experiences through choral music.

The first conference is the held at Pepperdine University May 12-14, celebrating the sacred acapella choral tradition. The Choir's concert program for the festival is titled, "A Life of Christ," embracing a journey through Christ's life paralleled in the Christian Church Calendar. The Choir will also join with other college choirs in presenting a mass choral concert under the baton of former King Singer and renowned conductor, Simon Carrington. Students will also have the opportunity to attend different worship and interest sessions to learn more about music and worship arts.

The Choir will then travel to Portland, Oregon to perform for the . Held every four years, this is the top policy making body of the United Methodist Church, comprised of delegates from all over the world. The Choir will perform a showcase concert as well as participate with Louisiana Bishop Cynthia Harvey in the Consecration Service for Deaconesses and Home Missioners on May 16. This marks the first time the Choir has sung for General Conference since 2004.

"I'm thrilled for our students to be part of both of these experiences," says Choir director Dr. David Hobson. "The Ascending Voice Symposium allows not only performance opportunities for each choir, but also chances for collaboration and additional educational opportunities in choral music. And, Simon Carrington is simply one of the best choral minds of our time."

"As to General Conference, it is ultimately the parent conference of Centenary College, so this special engagement allows the College to embrace its connectional nature as a United Methodist related institution," continues Hobson. "It's a tremendous honor to have been chosen as one of the select few groups to perform."