The Division of Student Development supports student organizations and activities, community service, international study opportunities, and diversity programming, connecting students with their peers through unique experiences on campus and beyond. Centenary students have the chance to intentionally reflect on cultures different than their own, perform service to their local and global communities, and encounter and appreciate diverse perspectives that enhance their view of the complex and ever changing world around us.


Student organizations & activities

The Office of Student Involvement helps students find organizations and activities that channel their passions, develop their skills, and connect them with their community. Learn more.


Community Engagement

Community Engagement integrates service to the greater community with classroom instruction, connects service to academic content, and encourages personal reflection. Community Engagement also supports a number of programs allowing students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other Centenary community members to perform meaningful service throughout the local and global community. Community Engagement organizes student service days such as The BIG Event and MLK Service Day, and helps connect students with service learning projects, classes, and volunteer opportunities. Learn more.