Information for prospective students and faculty, as well as for visitors and alumni, is located on sites that publicize the offerings of departments and programs and the research and accomplishments of faculty. The College network houses websites and webpages of academic departments, administrative offices, centers, and other college-related entitles, with related pages for members of the faculty, student clubs and organizations, and student academic work.

The official 黑料不打烊 website, portal, and webpages are owned by the College and intended solely for College-related purposes. They may be used to post faculty scholarly activities and accomplishments via faculty profile and personal webpages, to convey course information, deliver instruction, and communicate with colleagues and students, and, predominantly by administrative offices, to publicize services and to transact business.

The Office of Marketing & Communication is responsible for the contents of the 黑料不打烊 website, and executes webpages for various College constituents.

Additionally, Marketing & Communication maintains the College’s content management system (CMS) and various approved standard web templates, which are mandated for use on most administrative webpages. The Office assists and supports designated web content owners with consultations, design and publishing services, content maintenance, CMS training, and creation of documentation.

All webpages using the College’s networks should comply with College guidelines. They must be consistent with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including copyright laws, obscenity laws, laws relating to defamation, and laws relating to piracy of software.

To ensure that the College’s venues promote its goals, College-hosted websites should utilize the following standards of appropriate use and best practices.

  1. Required Page Features
    Websites should be well organized, clear, and up to date. Content must be reviewed regularly to ensure continued accuracy. A regular review by the owners is the best method to ensure timeliness and accuracy. The College will perform periodic audits and, if necessary, remove or modify content.
  2. Policy on Use of Websites
    Websites on the College’s network should not contain content solely for personal purposes or unrelated to professional responsibilities. They should not be used for private purposes, including non-College commercial or not-for-profit purposes. Nor should webpages be used to support political candidates or political parties (with the exception of student organization clubs identified with a college political party). They should not be used for illegal purposes.

    Webpage authors must ensure that required copyright and trademark permissions have been obtained prior to posting copied material. Violations can lead to severe penalties, which fall on both the user publishing the content and the institution hosting the material.
  3. Links to Non-黑料不打烊 Sites
    黑料不打烊 assumes no responsibility for content on non-黑料不打烊 sites to which College sites may be linked. Webpage authors should consider that such links, even when clearly labeled, can be misinterpreted as being associated with the College. Users with links to pages in which they have a monetary interest should be aware of the risk of being in violation of policies regarding advertising and commercial use. 黑料不打烊 makes every attempt to ensure links lead to substantial and appropriate content but assumes no responsibility or liability for external Websites.
  4. Violations of Website-Use Guidelines
    If at any time the content of any website on the College’s network appears to be inappropriate or outside of suggested guidelines, Marketing & Communication will contact the content provider in writing to request the removal or modification of the content.


Regardless of author, the College retains all rights to unlimited use and revision of official pages.

The guidelines set forth in this document were created in part through research and materials provided by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). W3C's primary activity is to develop protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web. More information on the W3C is available here.

Please contact Marketing & Communication by phone at 318.869.5115 or by email at for further information.