The Office of Career Services serves as the bridge between students' undergraduate/ graduate experience and post-graduation plans, helping students apply the skills and experiences gained at Centenary to reach the next step of graduate school or a career. The office provides comprehensive resources, engaging programs, and advising on career development, internships, employment, and graduate school. These services assist undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni in making career decisions, connecting with employers, and attaining their life goals.

Your career journey begins in your first semester at Centenary and continues throughout each semester leading up to your graduation day. The path can be straight and smooth or it can take twists and turns along the way. Regardless of how your Centenary journey develops, The Office of Career Services can help along that journey. Our 4-Year Planner and Experiential Planner will guide you through the different phases of your career and academic progress. The 4-Year Planner helps you keep track of your career goals and academic progress at Centenary. Use the Experiential Planner to record the variety of activities and experiences you have participated in while at Centenary.