The Ed Leuck Louisiana Arboretum spans three acres of the Centenary campus. Founded in 1984 by Professor of Biology Dr. Ed Leuck, the Leuck Arboretum fulfilled a request by Harry Balcom, a member of the Centenary College Board of Trustees and then-president Dr. Donald Webb. Leuck planted the first trees in 1985 after a redesign of the area.


The initial area was only the west-facing clay slope below the brick wall below Mickle and Hamilton halls, chosen both for its prominent location and lack of any vegetation except for the trees themselves. The first plantings in the spring of 1985 used the few plants commercially available. Since then, the arboretum has grown to include the area between the Hamilton Hall and the SUB, with plants added each year. The collection now comprises 190 woody native plant species, 14 woody exotic plant species, and more than 70 non-woody native plant species. Many items in the Arboretum are the result of plants and seeds collected by Dr. Leuck.