The staff in the FAO recognizes that in order to understand the complications of Financial Aid, accurate and timely dissemination of information to consumers is vital. Several policies have been implemented to ensure appropriate dissemination is achieved.


Financial Aid Program Availability

Financial aid programs which are available to students attending Centenary College are distributed through the following Centenary published documents:

  1. .
  2. A Financial Aid and Scholarships Brochure distributed to students from Admissions Office.
  3. The Centenary College web site at
  4. The student guide published by the U.S. Department of Education.

Financial aid funds may be categorized into four basic sources: federal, state, institutional, and private. Because there are too many outside private sources to list in this manual, only federal, state, and institutional sources for Centenary are listed below.





Procedures and Forms Required to Apply

The procedures and forms required to apply for financial aid are published in the . In addition, notices announcing deadlines and application availability are distributed from the FAO. Aid is awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis using a priority deadline. Students who complete their files after this priority date may receive limited funding.

There are many forms which may be required to evaluate student aid eligibility. However, a student need only apply for admission and file the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to begin the application process.

Additional documents may be requested to complete processing of the aid request. Notification of need for these additional required documents is sent to students through a missing information letter. Additional information may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Proof of citizenship.
  2. Proof of selective service registration.
  3. Marriage certificate.
  4. Verification Worksheet.
  5. Tax return Transcripts (parent and student and/or spouse).

Methods of Disseminating Consumer Information

The primary method of disseminating consumer information to college students is through the and website. In addition, information is distributed through:

  1. Information sheets distributed to students with award letters.
  2. The award letter.
  3. The "Centenary Financial Aid and Scholarships" brochure.


Student Eligibility Requirements

Student eligibility requirements are listed in the following documents:

  1. .
  2. Centenary College website.
  3. The "Centenary Financial Aid and Scholarships" brochure.
  4. Federal websites.

To be eligible to receive need-based Federal assistance, a student must:

  1. Be enrolled in an eligible program of study.
  2. Be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. permanent resident or reside in the United States for other than a temporary purpose (supportive documentation may be required to verify residency or citizenship status).
  3. Maintain satisfactory academic progress in his or her course of study.
  4. Not be in default of any loan or owe a repayment on a Federal Pell Grant, FSEOG, or State Grant.
  5. Demonstrate financial need.


Rights and Responsibilities of Students on Financial Aid

As a recipient of financial aid, there are certain rights and responsibilities of which students should be aware. These rights and responsibilities of students on financial aid are listed in the .

Students have the right to know the:

  1. Financial aid programs available at Centenary.
  2. Application process which must be followed to be considered for aid.
  3. Criteria used to select recipients and calculate need.
  4. Centenary Return of Title IV Funds policy.
  5. FAO policies surrounding satisfactory academic progress.
  6. Special facilities and services available for the handicapped.


Students are responsible for:

  1. Completing all forms accurately and by the published deadlines.
  2. Submitting information requested by FAO staff in a timely manner.
  3. Keeping the FAO informed of any changes in address, name, marital status, financial situation, or student status.
  4. Reporting to the FAO any additional assistance from non-College sources such as scholarships, loans, fellowships, and educational benefits.
  5. Notifying the FAO of a change in enrollment status.
  6. Maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
  7. Re-applying for aid each year.


Cost of Attendance

A description of the fees for attendance is published in the . A complete budget outlining the cost of attendance may be obtained from the FAO. Cost of attendance information is listed in Section Seven.


Refund Policy

A description of the refund policy is described in the .


Academic Programs Offered

A description of the academic programs offered at Centenary is listed in the .


Person(s) Designated to Provide Financial Aid Information

Information concerning persons designated to provide financial aid information is listed in the . Only information published, provided, or referred by FAO staff is valid. Any additional information should be verified with staff from the FAO.


Student Retention and Completion Data

Student retention and completion data is gathered by the Office of Institutional Research.


Information for Students with Disabilities

Information concerning students with disabilities is listed in the . Student Services provides information and assistance to students with disabilities who are in need of special accommodations. This office should be contacted for additional information.


Information on Accreditation

Information concerning accreditation is listed in the . Additional information may be obtained from the Office of the Provost.