Student budgets are an important component in the financial aid process. Standard student budgets reflecting the Centenary average student population cost of attendance at a modest, but adequate standard of living are used to award financial aid. The Director of Financial Aid, on a case-by-case basis, may approve special budget considerations.

Basis for Student Budgets
The director collects information to prepare standard costs on an annual basis.

Special Budget Considerations
Upon request, aid officers may review, and if appropriate, adjust a student's budget. Students must submit supporting documentation.

Examples of changes to standard budgets include, but are not limited to:

  1. Childcare - the cost of childcare for parents with dependent children may be added to a standard budget by the Director of Financial Aid. This cost allowance is based on the recommendation of the LASFAA budget committee or by documentation from a recognized childcare provider.
  2. Computer allowance- a reasonable allowance for a computer or rental may be added to the student's budget. This is a one-time adjustment.