The Higher Education Act of 1992 allows financial aid administrators to make professional judgment decisions for special or unusual family or student circumstances. These circumstances must be documented. The director of the FAO must analyze circumstances requiring professional judgment decisions on a case-by-case basis.
Aid administrators may treat a student with special circumstances differently than the strict application of the methodology would otherwise permit. Adjustments can either increase or decrease a student's EFC or cost of attendance. In the case of an adjustment to a student's EFC or cost of attendance, specified adjustments may be made to data elements. The reason for the adjustment must relate to that student's special circumstances and must be documented in the student's file.
Areas of Administration
Professional judgment decisions may be made to adjust eligibility for all institutional, Title IV, and campus-based aid. Documentation supporting special circumstances must be maintained in the student's folder attached to the Special Circumstance and/or Dependency Override form.
Staff Authority
The director of the FAO has the authority to adjust a student’s eligibility using professional judgment.
Student circumstances, which may warrant a professional judgment decision include, but are not limited to:
Income Reductions
Aid administrators are required to document professional judgment decisions. This documentation must be maintained in the student's file. Because professional judgment situations are unique, specific required documentation is not listed for each case. It is left to the discretion of the aid administrator to select what is appropriate documentation.