JANUARY: Verify that all aid for spring semester disburses correctly. Bill state for GO Grant and TOPS. Continue to award new students.

FEBRUARY:  Continue to award new students.

MARCH: Continue to award new students. Begin processing awards for returning students. Email exit counseling information to graduating seniors. Attend Louisiana Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Spring Conference. Bi-annually attend BANNER Conference.

APRIL: Continue to award new and returning students.

MAY: After grades are available, run SAP. Continue to award new and returning students. Run end of year reports for auditors.

JUNE: Continue to award new and returning students.

JULY: Continue to award new and returning students.

AUGUST: Continue to award new and returning students.

SEPTEMBER: Verify that all aid for fall semester disburses correctly. Process loans and Pell. Bill state for GO Grant and TOPS.

OCTOBER: FISAP Due October 1. Attend Louisiana Association of Financial Aid Administrators Fall Conference. Set up new aid year in BANNER.

NOVEMBER: Email exit counseling information to graduating seniors.  Begin sending out award letters to prospective students.  After receiving report from Finance Department, award endowed scholarships.

DECEMBER: After grades are available, run SAP. Send grades to state for TOPS Scholarship.