If you’re driven to be your best, Centenary Theatre Program is the perfect place for you. Why? We bring together a diverse group of talented, hardworking theatre students driven to become professionals. Imagine four years of developing your own skills while enjoying the camaraderie of like-minded theatre majors.
From the moment you arrive and throughout your time at Centenary, you will be immersed in learning the craft of theatre. The faculty at CTP have designed four years of progressive learning - beginning with the fundamentals of acting, design, and technical theatre with a great deal of practical, hands-on experience. In your junior and senior year, you will join the lead student team responsible for every aspect of our final main stage production of the year, preparing you for a successful transition to graduate school or professional work.
CTP blends the rich experience of a Liberal Arts model with a conservatory approach. With us, you learn broadly in your early years and more narrowly in your latter years. This means if you are focused on acting, we progressively focus on honing your acting skills. The same is true if your talent leads to technical aspects of theatre, directing, playwriting, or stage management.
You have a gift and our goal is to help you polish your gift, hone your craft and develop as a young professional in the exciting world of theatre. As you read these words, your possibilities are limitless. Success comes to those who are driven, but it helps to be surrounded by people who are experienced enough to help you reach your potential and who care enough to make that happen.