
In addition to exhibiting superior technical skills, today’s successful engineers must effectively communicate their expertise in a global marketplace and understand the potential social, cultural, and economic impact of their work. Centenary’s strong speaking and writing programs embedded in our comprehensive liberal arts curriculum develop the skills needed by today’s engineers.

Each student under this program pursues concentrated studies in the liberal arts and engineering sciences at Centenary followed by study in professional engineering courses at a cooperating university. Upon successful completion of all degree requirements, the student earns a B.A. or B.S. degree from Centenary and the B.S. degree in engineering from the cooperating university. Students interested in the Dual Degree Program in engineering should consult the coordinator of the program as early as possible.

As an alternative to the Dual Degree Program, students may choose to complete the degree at Centenary and pursue either graduate engineering study or a second undergraduate degree in engineering. Some engineering affiliates offer BS/MS programs, which typically can be completed in a total of six years.


Complete the Centenary degree below:  Fulfill obligations for degree at partnered universities
BioChemistry Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Earth and Environmental Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering 
Geology Civil Engineering 
Business and Administration  Industrial Engineering, Operational Research or Engineering Management Systems
Theoretical Mathematics Computer Engineering
Computational Mathematics Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science


Cooperating Universities

Students intending to complete the dual degree program must maintain an excellent academic record while at Centenary as our partner schools require a 3.25 or a 3.3 GPA for transfer.  Students who meet the requirements are guaranteed admission to the program at Washington University.  Columbia University has recently moved to a competitive admissions process and no longer guarantees admission to the program, but our partnership facilitates the transfer process.


Graduate Testimonies 



The three years I spent at Centenary prior to transferring to WashU prepared me for the extensive engineering coursework and work-world in many ways. At Centenary, we get an incredibly strong mathematics, science, and liberal arts background through small class sizes and amazing professors. When I transferred, I had the knowledge to succeed in any field. I could think through and solve intensive math/science problems, write better than most engineers I encounter, and communicate my knowledge to people of all backgrounds. 

– Richard Lopez


If not for the 3/2 program at Centenary, I would not be where I am today. Being an Engineer is a fascinating and rewarding job, but being an Engineer and having the social and communication skills of a liberal arts student - that's real power. The ability to solve incredibly hard problems means less without the ability to communicate those findings to any audience, and unfortunately, many 4 year engineers lack this skill. 

– Brandon Larson