Program Overview

The student who chooses to major in political science will engage in a distinctive set of educational experiences that will help them better understand themselves, their own government, and the political systems of other cultures.

While it is the oldest academic discipline dating back to the Greek philosophers, political science is a modern social science seeking to make scientific observations about politics. Political scientists study the structure and legal basis of government, the decision-making process, public policies, and the consequences of governmental actions.

 Career Opportunities

Our graduates have had extraordinary success in pursuing careers in law, government, higher education, journalism, the foreign service, and practical politics.

Recent graduates have been admitted to the nation's best law schools including Harvard, Columbia, Duke, New York University, Tulane, Southern Methodist, and the University of Texas. Those pursuing graduate studies have been awarded scholarships at George Washington University, Texas A & M, and Georgetown. Others serve in the U.S. Justice Department, as legislative aides to U.S. Senators, and as political consultants.

Why Centenary for Political Science

The Department provides students with the critical reasoning and analytical skills that lead to success. A committment to developing excellence in written and oral expression separates political science from other majors. The ideal major for pre-law and international studies students, virtually all political science majors are successful in gaining admission to nationally ranked law, graduate, and professional schools.

Special Opportunities

Political science students participate in internships in the offices of elected officials, government agencies, and in campaign organizations. Study abroad programs include an international relations program at the University of London and a summer program at Oxford. The Washington Semester program, offered in cooperation with American University, is available to junior majors interested in a hands-on experience in our nation's capital.

Program Requirements

Major Requirements

A candidate for the B.A. in Political Science must complete eleven courses (44 hours) total:

  1. Nine courses (36 hours) in Political Science are required, including 12 hours from PSC 102, 103, 110, and 111; PSC 258; four courses (16 hours) at the 300-level or above, and PSC 473. Of the four courses (16 hours) at the 300-level or above, at least one course (4 hours) must be in the fields of American Government or Public Law, and one course (4 hours) in Comparative or International Politics. 
  2. Two supportive History courses (8 hours) are required.

Minor Requirements

For a minor in Political Science, a student must complete six courses (24 hours) total:

  1. Six courses (24 hours) in Political Science including PSC 102, 110, and two courses (8 hours) at the 300-level or above.

Departmental Honors

A student may be admitted to the Department’s Honors Program if he or she has attained junior standing and meets the other requirements. 

Certification to Teach

A student can apply for a certification program with the Department of Education.