Program Overview

The legal studies minor is an interdisciplinary course of study that allows students to examine the role and development of law from different perspectives within a liberal arts curriculum.  Students will be exposed to a range of courses that will strengthen their critical thinking and communication skills, hone their ability to interpret and apply case law, and understand the role and effect of law within various societal contexts.  The curriculum is designed to put the student in an optimal position to prepare for the LSAT and ease the transition into law school.


Program Requirements

24 hours of coursework as follows:

  1. Required Course (4 hours).
    • PSC 355S Constitutional Law and American Politics
  2. Rhetoric or Logic (4 hours).
    • PHIL 210  Symbolic Logic

    • ENGL/COMM 313W  Advanced Rhetoric • Prereq: Engl 101

  3. Legal Reasoning and Case Law (4-8 hours)
    • BUS 223   Commercial Law

    • PSC 324S  International Law/Justice • Prereq: PSC 111 or instructor’s permission

    • PSC/REL 352  Religion and Law 

    • PSC 356  The Politics of Constitutional Rights and Liberties

  4. Law and Social Sciences (8-12 hours) (may not take more than 2 courses with the same prefix)        


Students may use up to eight hours credit from their majors toward the Legal Studies minor.  Up to eight hours in coursework in any department may be added from outside this elective list, subject to approval by the Legal Studies advisor.  Such additions may involve internships, community service, independent studies, or special topics courses with a strong emphasis on the law. 


Course Descriptions


Prerequisite:  permission of program advisor.  This may include a course not on the elective list within a discipline that has a strong legal component, or, an inter-disciplinary course developed by faculty especially for legal studies.  On demand.


Prerequisite:  permission of program advisor and submission of acceptable proposal.  Guided independent research of an issue in legal studies.  Written report or oral presentation will be required when appropriate.  On demand.