Scholarships and Awards

Centenary College offers a rich variety of awards and scholarships to English majors, starting with our first-year students. For example, the P.B. Lindsey Award is given to a freshman English major who has demonstrated distinctive promise in creative writing; similarly, the Audrey M. Smith Endowed Poetry Award grants $500 to the full-time first-year student who has submitted the most impressive work (as judged by the English Department) in our annual poetry contest. Senior English majors are eligible for such prestigious awards as the M.T. Brewerton English Award, given to our most outstanding graduating senior, and the Sigma Tau Delta Award, presented to the senior who has been an outstanding leader in this literary honor society.

Substantial financial support for English majors is available from several sources, including the Thomas Edward, Esther Horton, and Steven Thomas Victory Scholarship (for an outstanding freshman student), the Clarence Coon Scholarship (especially for students interested in pursuing a career in communications and journalism), and the Joseph B. Bramlette Endowed Scholarship (for meritorious English majors at all levels). 


Students in English are also eligible for Institutional Scholarships and Freshman Merit Scholarships. Information on the types of financial aid students can receive can be found here