The faculty is organized under a constitution and a set of bylaws (Section 17), which formalize regular faculty meetings, academic departments and divisions, and a committee structure (also see Section 6 and Section 10).
The faculty exercises its legislative function in meetings over which the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost or another member of the faculty presides, at the request of the President of the College. Only members of the full-time faculty and those specified in the Bylaws (Section 17) may vote at faculty meetings. Parliamentary rules for faculty meetings proceed under Roberts Rules of Order. The Honor Court Chief Justice or a representative of the court will make a presentation to the faculty at the September faculty meeting.
The faculty shall meet in official session, at a regular time and place chosen by the faculty. The President or the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost may call meetings of the faculty in addition to the regular meetings and must do so upon signed petition of twenty-five percent of the voting membership of the faculty. The faculty shall make decisions by majority vote of those present and voting. For called meetings, a quorum of fifty percent of the total voting faculty will be necessary for faculty action. Normally, new business will not be transacted at a faculty meeting without its first having been referred to an appropriate committee. The order of business for faculty meetings will normally include a roll call of committees for reports.
Administrative officers not provided for in Section 17 and part-time teaching personnel may attend meetings of the faculty with the privilege to discuss but without the power to vote. The chair and the Faculty Coordinating Council shall determine whether other persons are eligible to attend a meeting and have the privilege to discuss.
The secretary to the faculty shall be appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost of the College. The secretary will maintain a permanent record of the deliberations of the faculty in its regular and called meetings and will prepare and distribute minutes of each meeting of the faculty to all those eligible to attend faculty meetings.
The faculty elects from its membership 1) the Chair of the Faculty Coordinating Council, 2) the members of the Faculty Personnel Committee and Economic Policy Committee, and 3) such other persons as might be needed to carry on the business of the faculty.