Appendix C


Faculty members should use their Centenary ID for checking out library materials. Faculty members may borrow circulating books for up to the duration of the academic year. However, borrowed materials should be returned as quickly as possible. The library may also on occasion call in materials that either have been requested by other borrowers or are needed for reserve. At the end of each academic year, all faculty members are sent a list of books charged to them with a request to return those no longer in use and to renew those still needed.

Under normal circumstances, archival materials, rare books, and some media do not circulate. However, arrangements can be made for limited classroom use of these materials.

Use of the Library by Dependents
Dependents of faculty, staff, students, or retirees may borrow material, subject to similar rules applying to Centenary students. They will need to register with a librarian before borrowing any materials.

The library requests that each faculty or staff member contact the library staff, by phone, in person, or email the first time a dependent is expected to visit the library as an introduction to the staff prior to their first visit or checkout of any library materials. Dependents must present a valid Centenary photo ID. Borrowing privileges are limited to 2 items checked out at a time.

Reference Services
The library provides many types of reference services. These include answering general and research questions; providing support and instruction in using library and other information resources; searching for and gathering research materials from in-house and far-flung collections; and scaffolding the critical thinking, examination, selection, and interpretation of information. This service is provided in person and virtually, by and using conferencing programs like Teams. Subject-oriented research guides are continuously maintained, and information literacy instruction may be scheduled by appointment.

Interlibrary Loan Services
ILL/Document Delivery service is available through the Circulation Desk and the ILL Request Forms. Whenever possible, we acquire materials for free. Any charges for photocopying, licensing, or search — are paid by the individual borrower, or their department. The majority of interlibrary loans are free, and a patron will be notified of any charges, before an ILL is completely ordered.

Copy Services
The library has several photocopying machines available on the main first, second, and lower-level floors, some of which require a passcode; faculty may request this as needed if they cannot use their own departmental codes. Faculty departments also have access to a copy machine installed near their department area that is code accessible. Special copies (color, large volume, non-standard size) may be requested by emailing a member of the library staff.

Reserve Items
Note that it is the library’s policy to acquire all textbooks used in current Centenary courses whenever possible. Faculty are also encouraged to place any class materials on Reserve at the Circulation Desk. Faculty may bring personal items, copies of articles, or use library materials. Each Faculty member should fill out a Faculty Reserve Form (available on the library’s website). Faculty should designate the type of reserve desired, and length of time for the material to remain on reserve. Library books should be pulled from library shelves by the professor or their student assistant and brought to the Circulation Desk to be placed on Reserve. Due to lack of space, items cannot remain on reserve indefinitely. Please visit the library and re-reserve items prior to each semester.

Library Orientation & Information Literacy Instruction
Class library sessions are conducted by the Director or other library staff, including specially-trained student library assistants. Faculty should call the Library at 318-869-5171 or email to schedule Literacy group or individual student instruction as soon as possible.

Faculty ordering
Book orders may be submitted in any of several ways. Orders may be emailed in the form of book lists, order forms, email lists, publishers' circulars, and the like, to or any of the librarians. Requests can also be made directly, verbally or over the phone, and can even be submitted online via a form on the library’s website. ()

Database subscriptions constitute the bulk of our resource expenditures, and we re-evaluate these on an annual basis. Faculty should direct any requests for database resource purchases or trials to the Library Director.

Periodicals in print are evaluated for continuation on an ongoing basis. The final decision to order or cancel a periodical is based on the following factors: the availability of funds, the need, appropriateness, and use of the item, shelf space, or through one of the full-text electronic databases to which the library subscribes. Electronic databases are evaluated by usage yearly.

Ultimately, the faculty of each department is expected to select and request for purchase those items needed to support its departmental curriculum and research requirements. The selection policy to be followed has been distributed to all departments and schools. Additional copies are available from the library director.

Other Library Facilities and Resources
The Library's computer labs and a webinar conference room are located on the main and basement floors of the library. Class lab reservations may be scheduled by completing the online located on the Magale Library web page. Remember to check the Lab Reservation Schedule of classes before reserving a lab.

The Pierce Cline Room, located in the Magale Library basement, is the primary office of the Centenary College Archives & Special Collections. The Archives house the official records of the College and the library's rare book collection. Holdings include volumes by Centenary faculty and alumni, and rare books in several subject areas, many of which are from the original Centenary library in Jackson, Louisiana. The Archives also contain literary collections of authors Jack London and Centenary alumnus John William Corrington, and are the official repository for several organizations, including the Louisiana Conference of the United Methodist Church and the North Louisiana Historical Association. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to use the facilities. Use should be scheduled with the archivist, as the Archives maintain a closed-stacks policy.

The Hurley School of Music Library offers a large collection of scores, CDs, phonograph records, videos/DVDs, and music reference books. It also has special collections, both print and recordings, in opera and musical theater. The library is open to the Centenary community as well as the greater Ark-La-Tex community. Scores may be checked out, although recordings and reference materials generally do not circulate. The Music Library contains a computer lab, listening carrels, a conference room, and a spacious reading and study area.