Board of Trustees
The board of trustees is vested by law with all the powers and authority to govern effectively and set policy for the institution in accordance with the laws of Louisiana. (BOT By-laws April 21, 2016)
The board shall establish, disseminate and keep current the institution’s mission; select a president to lead and serve as chief executive officer of the institution; support and periodically assess the performance of the president; charge the president with the task of leading a strategic planning process; and ensure both the fiscal integrity of the institution and the quality and nature of its educational programs. (BOT By-laws April 21, 2016)
Governance and Control
No resolution, policy or procedure shall limit the authority of [the board] by-laws or of the board. (BOT By-laws April 21, 2016)
The board delegates to the president responsibility and authority to implement policy and establish procedures for the administration of the college. (BOT By-laws April 21, 2016)
Planning and Policy Advisory Council
The president’s cabinet solicits input on matters of college policy, budgeting and planning through regular meetings with representatives of various constituents groups. The college council will serve as a hub for strategic planning, drawing on the faculty councils, the administrative divisions, and the student government association for plan development, implementation and evaluation.
The Policy and Planning Advisory Council is constituted at the discretion of, appointed by and chaired by the president. The executive assistant to the president will serve as recorder for the group.
The Policy and Planning Advisory Council currently consists of:
President’s Cabinet
Chair of the Faculty Coordinating Council
Chair of the Faculty Personnel Council
Chair of the Academic Policy Council
President of the Student Government Association
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Dean of Students
Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communication
Director of Athletics and Recreation
Officers of the College
President: Chief Executive Officer
Provost and Dean of the College: Chief Academic Officer
Vice President for Finance and Administration: Chief Financial Officer and Chief Business Officer
Vice President for Development: Chief Development Officer
Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing
Executive Assistant to the President: Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees
Educational and Institutional Officers
The officers of the college delegate to the following select number of administrators the authority and responsibility, within each respective functional area, to comply with external regulations, to certify the integrity, authenticity and accuracy of documents, processes and decisions and to represent the officers of the college to internal and external constituents, partners and agencies:
Vice Provost: Academic Affairs, Accreditation Liaison, Institutional Research and Reporting
Dean of the Hurley School of Music
Dean of the Frost School of Business
Director of the Department of Education
Chair of the Division of Humanities Division
Chair of the Division of Social Sciences Division
Chair of the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Dean of Students: Chief Student Affairs Officer
Director of Intercultural Engagement: Diversity Officer
Director of Athletics and Wellness
Chief of Public Safety
Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communication: Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Government Affairs Officer, Chief Public Affairs Officer
Director of Admission
Director of Financial Aid
The president delegates to the chief academic officer authority for constituting, developing and leading a well-qualified and diverse faculty to take responsibility for improving the learning outcomes of students through innovative and effective curriculum design and development and through collegial accountability to the highest ideals of teaching, scholarship and service.
The college’s work is organized into five (5) administrative divisions, each led by a college officer. Each division is organized into offices, which provide primary program and budgetary oversight. In the case of academic affairs, academic divisions function similarly to administrative offices. Each office or academic division may, for programmatic or administrative purposes, be further organized into departments.
Academic Affairs: Provost and Dean of the College
Office of the Vice Provost
Office of the Associate Dean
Office of Educational Outreach
Academic Divisions
Student Development: Provost and Dean of the College
Office of the Dean of Students
Office of Intercultural Engagement
Office of Athletics and Wellness
Office of the Registrar
Development: Vice President for Development
Office of Development
Office of Alumni and Family Relations
Office of Development Services
Enrollment: Vice President for Enrollment & Marketing
Office of Career Services
Office of Admission
Office of Financial Aid
Office of Marketing and Communication
Finance and Administration: Vice President for Finance and Administration
Office of the Controller (Business Office)
Office of Information Technology
Office of Human Resources
Office of Facilities Management
Office of Community Services
The president, through the provost and dean of the college, delegates to the chief student affairs officer the authority to develop and lead a well-qualified staff of student development educators as well as responsibility for improving the personal development outcomes of students through innovative and effective co-curriculum design and development and through collegial accountability to the highest ideals of the academy and the student development profession.
Administrative Committees
Conduct Review Committee: |
A primary function of this committee is to consider and decide upon all cases involving non- academic misconduct referred to it by the Judicial Referral Board. If a student questions the fairness of a disciplinary action taken against him/her by a dean or a student judicial body, he/she should be granted on request the privilege of a hearing before this committee. At the request of the Executive Council of the SGA, the committee will rule upon the constitutionality of actions taken by the Student Government Association. Furthermore, the committee should stay informed about disciplinary problems and make recommendations to judicial bodies and members of the administration charged with disciplinary responsibilities. The committee shall be composed of one faculty member who will serve as chairperson, a staff member other than the Dean of Students or the Director of Residence Life to serve as recorder, the Dean of Students or designee (ex officio and without vote), and five full-time undergraduate students (one representing each class and one student at large). See the Judicial Affairs section of the Student Handbook for more information on the composition of the committee. (4/2004) |
Convocations Committee: |
The committee reports directly to the Academic Policy Council and coordinates convocations for the College. In consultation with the Liberal Arts Chair and other members of the campus community, it will program the Convocation Hour that occurs on the first Thursday of each month (excluding December, January, and May) during the academic year from 11:10 a.m. to 12:10 pm. In addition, the committee will evaluate programs to determine if the convocations are meeting campus needs. The committee will be composed of three faculty members recommended by the Faculty Coordinating Council and appointed by the president — with one serving as committee chairperson), the Provost (exofficio and without vote), the Associate Vice President of Marketing & Communication (ex-officio and without vote), and two students recommended by the Student Government Association |
Diversity Committee: |
This committee articulates a working definition of diversity for the college and develops and implements an ongoing plan that promotes a culture for valuing diversity on campus. Specifically, the plan should recommend strategies to: The committee will produce an annual report including an explicit statement of goals, procedures and progress.The committee will be composed of the following Presidential appointees: three faculty recommended by the FCC and who have demonstrated interest in diversity issues; three staff, at least one of whom is nonexempt and one of whom is exempt and one of whom is a member of an underrepresented group; three students, including the President of the Minority Student Association or a designee, the President of Student Government Association or a designee, and one at-large student; the Director of Human Resources (exo fficio) the Dean of Student Life or designee (ex officio); the Provost and Dean of the College or designee (ex officio). |
Economic Policy Committee: |
This committee will make recommendations and provide feedback on matters of economic policy. To this end it will have access to the college budget figures and be able to review these amounts to ensure they are consistent with the economic policies recommended by the Council. To make recommendations on staffing, the committee will work in sub-committees. Staff recommendations will be considered by the staff members of the committee and faculty recommendations by the faculty members. The committee as a whole will make recommendations to the President and suggest priorities on additional staffing. The faculty sub-committee will meet annually to make overall faculty salary recommendations and when necessary to review academic budgets. The primary function of this committee is to recommend policy, not review budgets by line item. This group should endeavor to determine in what areas Centenary should commit its resources and make recommendations to the President accordingly. This committee will be composed of three staff members at least one of whom is non-exempt* and one is exempt*, three faculty members, and one student member. (03/01) Staff members who report directly to the President are not eligible for service to the Economic Policy Committee. (05/05) The three faculty members, one from each division, will be elected by the faculty-at-large for three-year staggered terms to serve as the faculty representatives on the Committee. Each division will nominate two divisional candidates from among which the faculty will elect one. The student member is recommended by SGA and approved by the President. The Academic Dean (Provost) and Vice President for Finance and Administration will serve as an ex officio members of the Committee. Three positions (the faculty chair, the staff chair, and the secretary) will be elected by the members of the Committee at the beginning of each academic year or as necessary. Both chairs will be responsible for setting agenda items pertinent to their constituencies and reporting at relevant times (e.g., at faculty and staff meetings). (05/08) * non-exempt staff - one who is neither primarily engaged in academic instruction nor charged with administrative or managerial responsibility, and who is not primarily a student. * exempt staff - one who holds a position of executive, administrative or managerial responsibility or one that requires recognized professional achievement either by formal training or equivalent experience and who meets the appropriate minimum salary test contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act. (03/01) |
Enrollment Policy Committee: |
This committee will make recommendations and provide feedback on plans for increasing student enrollment and retaining students. These plans would involve all constituencies of the Centenary community (03/01). The Committee will also formulate and recommend to the faculty minimum standards for the admission of students; read and make individual admission decisions on the cases of applicants who do not meet the minimum standards (4/2004); advise the Admissions and Financial Aid offices regarding financial aid and scholarships; review and develop policies for awarding scholarships, grants-in-aid and other financial packages; and conduct periodic (3 year) reviews of the academic support services. (5/2007)
Institutional Effectiveness Committee: |
This committee will be responsible for analyzing assessment reports submitted concerning the core courses as well as academic, program and administrative department reviews. The members of the committee will look for specific learning outcomes or the achievement of goals associated with courses and programs and make specific recommendations to faculty members, department chairs, committees and administration. Should the committee see the need for additional institutional resources to assist a faculty member and/or program to meet its learning outcomes, the Institutional Effectiveness Committee will send such recommendations to the Faculty Personnel Council Development Committee. This committee will also provide faculty members and administrative units with assistance in fashioning assessment techniques. Three tenured members of the faculty, one from each division, recommended by the Faculty Coordinating Council and appointed by the President, to serve three-year terms; a member of the administrative staff, as designated by the President; the Director of Institutional Research (ex officio and without vote) and the member of the Provost’s staff responsible for assessment (ex officio and without vote). The committee chair will be elected from the faculty members of the committee. |
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee: |
This committee assesses the various aspects of intercollegiate athletics with the goal of establishing and maintaining standards of scholarship and sportsmanship consistent with the values and traditions of Centenary College and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). It also serves as an advisory body to the administration and faculty on all matters concerning intercollegiate athletic programs. It provides input to the President and standing committees on decisions that directly affect the student-athlete, i.e., entrance requirement; serves as a liaison between intercollegiate athletics and the academic areas of the college; serves in an advisory capacity to the Director of Athletics, who shall advise the committee of significant NCAA policies, rules, and regulations and provide interpretations of their applicability to the athletic program at Centenary; seeks the advice of the committee on any major proposed charges in athletic policy and programs; and serves in an advisory capacity in the employment of athletic personnel. The committee is composed of two faculty members (one male, one female), the NCAA faculty athletic representative, two students (one male and one female), the Director of Athletics (ex officio and without vote), and the Compliance Coordinator (ex officio and without vote). Faculty members are recommended by the Faculty Coordinating Council for staggered terms of three years and appointed by the President. Student members are recommended by the SGA and appointed by the President. One of the faculty members shall serve as the chair of the committee. Care should be taken that, with the exception of the Director of Athletics, faculty members of the committee are not involved with the intercollegiate athletic program in any way. (03/01) (4/05) |
Provost’s Council: |
The Provost’s Council advises the provost and dean of the college on matters related to budgeting for and administering the academic programs of the institution. The council is chaired by the provost and consists of the vice provost, the dean of students, the chair of the division of humanities, the chair of the division of social sciences, the chair of the division of natural sciences and mathematics, the dean of the Hurley School of Music, the dean of the Frost School of Business and the director of the education department. |
Employee Advisory Panel: |
EAP advises the vice president for finance and administration and the president on matters related to recruiting, retaining, developing and compensating a well-qualified and diverse faculty and staff and will assist the director of human resources in policy and procedure education, orientation and training and in developing a sense of community and common purpose among all employees. The committee is chaired by the director of human resources and will consist of the diversity officer and the following representatives, elected by fellow employees in the same classification, who will serve a term of one fiscal year and a maximum of three consecutive terms: |
Program Steering Committee: |
PSC advises the College Council on matters of annual program planning. PSC will compile a coherent and integrated annual plan that responds to and implements the college’s strategic plan and evaluates implementation of that plan throughout the year. PSC coordinates and evaluates college-wide programming on a monthly basis and uses that coordination and evaluation to plan program schedules up to a year in advance. PSC is co-chaired by the relationship team conveners and consists of the members of the relationship teams, the executive assistant to the president, the chairs of each of the academic divisions, the director of the education department and the deans of the schools of music and business. |
Relationship Teams
To facilitate inter-divisional communication, collaboration and coordination, the president appoints relationship teams, consisting of faculty, staff and students.
The Public-Family Relationship Team communicates about, collaborates on and coordinates efforts to engage, educate and develop mutually edifying relationships with members of the public, who have no formal relationship with the college or who are new to a relationship with the college, including, specifically high school juniors and seniors and college freshmen and sophomores and their families.
The public-family relationship team is constituted and appointed by the president and consists of the following:
Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communication, Convener
Director of Educational Outreach
Director of Professional Discernment
Director of Admission
Director of Financial Aid
Director of Community Services
Director of Development Services
Head Student Ambassador
Chair of the Enrollment Policy Committee
Chair of the Convocations Committee
The Family-Leader Relationship Team communicates about, collaborates on and coordinates efforts to engage, educate and develop mutually edifying relationships with all members of the college family, who have formal relationships with the college, including, specifically, currently enrolled college freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors and their families.
The family-leader relationship team is constituted and appointed by the president and consists of the following:
Dean of Students, Convener
Associate Dean
Director of Athletics and Wellness
Director of Human Resources
Director of Development
Director of Facilities
Residence Hall Association President
Campus Activities Board President
Chair of the Faculty Development Committee
Chair of the TREK Committee
The Leader-World Relationship Team communicates about, collaborates on and coordinates efforts to identify and respond to the challenges of the world beyond campus while continuing supportive educational relationships with members of the college family prepared to step up to the global challenges of the twenty-first century, including, specifically, currently enrolled graduate students, college juniors and seniors and their families and alumni, especially through their fifth reunion.
The family-leader relationship team is constituted and appointed by the president and consists of the following:
Vice Provost, Convener
Director of Intercultural Engagement
Director of Alumni & Family Relations
Director of Career Services
Director of Information Technology
Maroon Jackets President
Director of Graduate Professional Studies
Chair of the Graduate Education Committee
Chair of Institutional Effectiveness Committee
The institutional policy manual will consist of the following sections and constituent documents:
Institutional Policies
Administrative Policies
Academic Policies
College-wide Procedures
Personnel Manual
Faculty Handbook
College Catalog
Student Handbook