When to Use a Purchase Order:
A Purchase Order (PO) should be used when ordering merchandise or services for which an invoice requiring payment will be sent to the College. It is the approval method for ordering the College has adopted. Orders placed without a purchase order do not have the approval or authorization of the College. Without an authorized purchase order, the College maintains the right to refuse payment for the order.
When not to Use a Purchase Order:
• Purchases less than $100 require an Expense Reimbursement Form or a Check Request Form.
• When a vendor will not accept a purchase order and payment in advance is required, a Check Request will be used.
• For renewal of annual memberships and subscriptions, use a Check Request.
• For reimbursement of travel expenses, use an Expense Reimbursement Form.
• Book purchases should be submitted to the Bookstore
• Printing should be submitted to External Relations via the website.
• Orders from Staples/Office Depot will use online ordering.
• Capital equipment purchases, regardless of the amount, should go through the appropriate Cabinet member.
• Computer and related items: all POs for computers, software and related items (printers, scanners, monitors, etc.) from all areas of the College must be processed through and approved by the Director of Information Technology Services (ITS).
Purchase Request Form Preparation
A Purchase Requisition Form is to be used for all requests for the purchase of commodities and services from outside vendors.
• Print legibly. Fill in all areas, including requisition date, requester’s telephone number, account number, complete delivery address, authorized signatures and date delivery is needed.
• Verify the Vendor has all necessary paperwork on file with the Business Office.
• PLEASE NOTE: For purchases in excess of $10,000 you may be required to request a quote from multiple vendors. (“Single Source” documentation should include information regarding unique performance factors, why these factors are required, other products researched, and why they are not acceptable substitutions).
• All orders exceeding $3000 must be approved by a Cabinet member.
• All orders exceeding $5,000 require additional approval by the Vice President for
Finance and Administration.
• All budget managers making purchases with federal funds will follow Federal regulations which require the College to seek bids for purchases of more than the simplified acquisition threshold (45CFR 74.40-74.48).
Completed should be sent to business_office@centenary.edu or returned to the Business Office for processing.
(Excel version)
*Blanket Purchase Orders
For more information, please see:
Pamela Goode