In a college like Centenary, where a commitment to moral values joins with a dedication to scholarly integrity, the honor system provides not only freedom from proctoring but also a positive opportunity for personal growth. The faculty members should at all times stress, for themselves and their students, that the honor system is a principal element of the fundamental purposes of the College.
Each faculty member is expected to become familiar with the details of the Honor Code of Centenary College. The Honor Court, or the faculty adviser to the Honor Court, will provide new faculty members with details as to the specific operations of the Code.
Faculty members are expected to inform their classes at the beginning of every semester of the implications of the Code for each particular class. Principles of documentation and plagiarism and regulations relating to who may proofread papers and how texts may be used in open-book tests may vary from course to course. Faculty members should specify what these variables are.
If faculty members detect what is believed to be a violation of the Honor Code, they are expected to inform a member of the Court or its faculty adviser of the possible infraction. All evidence of significance should be retained for the case and turned over to the Court upon request. In cases reported by students, the Court may require faculty members to provide certain materials to be used in evidence. The faculty members will then abide by the decision of the Court. (Faculty Handbook, Section 16)
As a member of the Centenary Community, each faculty member is responsible for reporting all cases of suspected cheating on tests, plagiarism, and other violations of the Honor Code to the Court, rather than handling the case and penalty personally.
Faculty shall treat any suspected violation of the Honor Code confidentially except in communication with the Honor Court.
Faculty members shall abide by the decision of the Court in assigning a grade to any student found guilty of a violation of the Honor Code.
In their classes faculty members shall:
Inform students verbally and in writing on the course syllabus of regulations that apply to academic integrity in their courses, and make clear to what extent collaborative work or exchange of aid and information (studying together, tutoring, proof-reading of papers) is acceptable.
Constructively admonish students who they feel are drifting into questionable practices.
Explain directions on examinations (preferably in writing), especially any limitations on students’ whereabouts while taking the exam and any restrictions on use or possession of cell phones or other electronic devices, and inform students of their own whereabouts during an examination should questions arise.
Instruct students to write and sign the Honor Code on each test and each piece of work that is to be done independently. In the case of electronically submitted assignments, the instructor shall establish a policy for students to attest to their adherence to the Honor Code.
Impress upon students their responsibility to report all suspected instances of cheating, plagiarism, or other violations of both the Honor Code and the class requirements.
Explain all requirements for take-home tests.