Degree Requirements

Requirements for All Degrees

A. Earn no fewer than 124 credit hours. No more than eight hours may be earned in activity courses(1). The last 30 credit hours required for graduation must be taken in residence. At least 60 credit hours must be taken at Centenary.

B. Earn at least thirty hours numbered 300 or above.

C. Earn a minimum of 20 hours of electives that are not used to satisfy Core requirements and that cannot be used to satisfy requirements for a major (including all concentrations within a major), supportive courses, prerequisite courses or courses listed in the major department. These 20 hours may not include cross-listed courses which could count toward a major. 

D. Meet the basic requirements for the degree to be earned.

E. Meet all requirements for a major field of study.

F. Maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all work taken at Centenary.

G. Maintain a grade point average of 2.0 in all Centenary College courses within the major. If a student takes a course that can contribute to the major, excluding supportive courses, then the grade for that course is included in the GPA calculation.

H. Discharge all financial obligations to the College.

I. Meet the requirements of a catalogue published in one year of attendance and within five years of the proposed graduation date.

J. Submit to the Registrar an approved degree plan and an application for graduation candidacy by the deadlines printed in the catalogue under “Graduation Candidacy.”

K. Be approved for graduation candidacy by the Centenary faculty and Board of Trustees.

L. Be present at the Commencement exercises to receive the degree conferred, unless an exception is approved by the Provost’s office.


The Centenary Core Curriculum (General Education)

The Centenary Core Curriculum serves as a set of experiences in which all students engage, regardless of major, and includes specific learning goals for all students. Centenary's model of a liberal arts education incorporates two components:

Liberal Arts Explorations (29­–32 hours):

Centenary aspires for students to become liberally educated individuals who are broadly familiar with a ranger of subjects, who know something of the approaches that students of these subjects have found valuable, and who can apply this knowledge to their understanding of the world. The College divides these subjects into categories while acknowledging that they inform and overlap one another. As students explore the liberal arts, they should begin to make connections across disciplines and bring a broad interdisciplinary understanding to solving problems and developing their own beliefs and actions.

As part part of a Centenary core curriculum, students should be able to:

Trek (0­–11 hours):

Trek combines the best traditions of the liberal arts with the real-world knowledge and skills required of leaders in the 21st century. By connecting the theoretical with the practical, the domestic with the international, the scholarly with the professional, Trek encourages a lifelong dedication not only to learning but also to serving others.

Trek incorporates into Centenary’s required curriculum distinctive, experience-based programs for students to enhance their self-knowledge and social awareness through career and graduate school preparation, intercultural engagement, and civic involvement.  

Additional Graduation Requirements:

(1) WAC 101-102; DANC 101, 123-124, 201, 301