Students may count “equivalent” courses taken overseas toward meeting Core requirements at Centenary. Before enrolling in such courses with the expectation of earning Core credit, students should consult their academic adviser and the Director of Re-Enrollment.

When students participate in an overseas program administered by Centenary College, they will be considered “full-time students” when enrolled for credit in at least nine semester hours of course work. Students will pay for the number of hours in which they actually enroll. (If students enroll for 11 or fewer hours, they pay a tuition charge commensurate with the number of hours in which they have enrolled; it they enroll for 12 or more hours, they pay full tuition and are thus entitled to transfer up to 18 hours of earned credit.)

The standing drop and add dates are waived for students studying oversees in a program administered by the College. Students should be aware, however, that they will be responsible for additional tuition charges should any be incurred by a late add and, further, that a late drop will not result in a tuition refund.