Outstanding high school seniors who wish to take courses at Centenary while continuing work toward the high school diploma may apply for concurrent enrollment. The standards for admission to this program are the same as for early admission. High school credit for work done at Centenary may be granted only with the approval of the high school administration, and students should seek this approval prior to enrollment in Centenary classes.

High school students (rising juniors and seniors) may enroll in Summer courses for credit or on an audit basis, when approved by the Office of Admission as a non-degree-seeking student. All high school students will be asked to complete a brief application for admission, submit a recent copy of their high school transcript, and meet all prerequisites for the intended course work. A grade point average of “B”, or 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale), in completed high school course work is required. Students will be limited to no more than six hours of course work per summer. Students will also be limited to enrolling in courses designated in the schedule as open to high school students. Those students enrolling in courses for credit will have the courses and grades posted on a Centenary transcript.

Students wishing to take courses on an audit basis will not receive a grade or academic credit. All students will be required to declare whether they are taking the class for credit or on an audit basis when the application is submitted for consideration. Admission to Centenary College on concurrent enrollment status or for Summer does not guarantee admission to Centenary as a full-time student after graduation from high school.