Purposes and Responsibilities

On behalf of the faculty, and subject to its authority, the Academic Policy Council initiates and recommends to the Faculty policies concerning the undergraduate academic programs of the College. Such policies include those involving curriculum, degree requirements, academic regulations and standards, student classification and class standing, student course load, honors in majors, new programs or degrees, first-year experience, summer school, distance learning, articulation agreements, and all other academic matters that are the responsibility of the Faculty. In addition, the Council reviews and approves program-specific changes, such as new course proposals, catalog language changes, individualized major proposals, special topics courses, and modules.

The Council shall report all of its actions promptly to the faculty-at-large, normally through its minutes and reports at faculty meetings.



The Council is composed of nine faculty members (3 elected by each division), one student, the Provost (ex officio and without vote) and Registrar (ex officio and without vote). The nine faculty members are elected for staggered three-year terms. The student member is recommended by the SGA for a one-year appointment with possibility of renewal. The Council chair will be elected from the faculty members of the Council.

See Faculty Handbook, Section Six

See current Academic Policy Council members